Sunny days
Hello readers!
This past few days ive been spending my time to seat outside and enjoy the weather. Since its weekend then alot of people come to this place we are living to go the the beach and just be here to unwind. I did not have time to go down to the beach even though its pretty close, so i bought the chair above to sit outside and get some tanning going in the chinese shop ofcourse which they have it every where in Spain and you can find anything you are looking for that you normally need in the daily basis. This chair is perfect i can adjust it more to become like a bed and enjoy the sun :). I will probably bring this one to the beach even in Barcelona, its much more comfortable than lying on the beach with the sand all over you.
Today i have a have already a nice base tan i can see that i am pretty dark already. I feel like bad being inside when i can sit in the terrace and enjoy the sun, its such a lovely day. Although today was a little bit cloudy compared to yersterday. I saw in the weather prognose that this week is going to be up to 24 degrees, yey!
Last summer in Sweden :)
" Only those who risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go "