Do take care of your skin
Anna Möller 15spf / Barbaria sun oil 30spf
Do wear sunscreen for anti-wrinkle ALWAYS before going out the house. Suncreen does not only protect us from UV harm and give us later on wrinkles, but it also actually helps prevent oily face when using with or without make up. Two months ago I bought my very first suncreen protection cream, the lady who sold me that said 15spf would be enough for me.
While in Barcelona it is still summer around 26 degrees and for people who live in a hot country or for those who travel DO USE sunoil but with high spf. I wish I have known these before but, I thougth sunoil with spf wont give you tan at all, but that is not true. Why use sunoil without or low spf when you can use exaactly the same one but with high spf and GIVES U protection. U get tan at the same time just like the other sunoil with low spf and that you are protected from UV. That is something your futureself will thank you for. So totally recommend that for you who have especially light skin like European or American but also for everybody. The skin is the fountain of youth the earlier you take care of them the better and ofcourse I am not saying you do it when you are under 18, you know what I mean. There is difference between suncream and sunoil with spf. Suncream does not really give you tan, while sunoil with the same high spf like suncreen do give you tan.
Riri for M.A.C
The best foundation ever for oily skin!
About a month ago I just discovered the best foundation ever for oily skin from my favorite one and only make up brand MUFE ( Make up forever ). I was using bareminerals and everyda minerals for long and I felt wearing liquid foundation and did researched about the best foundation for Oily skin. I know a lot of people who have oily skin like me use MAc, but for me I dont really like it. I tried a lot of foundation and this one took the price. Its water resistant means its perfect when you want to have make up in the summer and its hot. Its full coverage which is good so a little goes long away that also means its better than you buy medium or light coverage and add layer to layer just to get enough coverage that you want. Instead of these you put so little and its perfect on your skin, like flawless. You dont even need concealer, you can just add a little extra on some area that you need "extra" coverage. My friend was like " omg your skin is so perfect!" when I was using the foundaiton for the first time. It really is the best for oily skin and last all day. To get the more matt yet natural and flawless finish I add it with Sephora ALL matt or Mufe all mat that is a primer silicon base, you can either put it before foundation or mix it with the foundation or both. Its perfect!
I know and have seen a loot of people who are using WRONG foundation, because after few minutes their face is OILY!!! I just wanted to say " have you ever considered using foundation that is OIL FREE and for OILY SKIN?". People with oily skin ( you can tell if your face is oily after using the foundation ) SHOULD use foudation for oily skin. Trust me it look horrible when the whole face is oily like you can fried eggs on it. Theres a lot of foundation for oily skin out there, but I really recommend these ones. I always say " quality over quantity, most of the times the best thing are expensive and its worth it!".
Its funny cos when I am in Sephora to buy new make up stuff I am most of the time in make up forever sections, but I wonder why I havent tried these before, hello?!! Its always good to ask for sample so you can try at home before purchasing the whole package and then you dont like it. Its just a waste of money.
This is the All matt its more expensive, but Sephora have also the same one which is much cheaper and from what I have tried these ones compare to Sephora its pretty similar, except that these ones is much more expensive.
Beauty tips!
When you have pores or pimples thats its just become bigger and you want to get rid of it, dont press it with your fingers, because it just will leave a pimple scar. Leave it and before you go to bed at night wash your face as usual and slice a lemon press it on your face ( be careful not to put close to your eyes) and massage it all over the face. The lemon juice is great for the skin. You leave it for 20 mins and wash it of with water. You go to sleep and wake up in the morning the pimple and pores its like gone and your skin feels fresh and reborn.
I normally put like colgate on a pimple, but when I did this its sooo much better, really effektive :)
Do you have any beauty tips to share? Comment below and let me know, I love beauty tips!!
The best mascara for stubborn lashes
No eyeliner just mascara!!
I posted this in instagram about the best mascara that I just discovered few days ago. I have never been a big fan of mascara and I barely use it. I only had owned 2-3 mascara in my entirely life that I actually used, but only very often. The reason why I did not used it because my lashes are very stubborn ( typical asian lashes) whether you curl it, it goes straight down when I add mascara, it doesn't matter what mascara I used I never get the result I wanted. Atleast to stay the curl (not straight, obviously!). But then I also found out not so long ago when I was checking in youtube about the best mascara for asian lashes that WE HAVE TO USE WATERPROOF, because that formula holds the curl compare to NOT WATERPROOF one. The mascara I bought was NOT waterproof since I heard from my friends that its better when you wash it off, but for them they didnt need the waterproof one because they do not have asian lashes like mine, they only need to add one or two coats and thats it PERFECT lashes with curves lenght and volume that last all day. For me I didn't knew that difference that the waterproof has actually better formula. So anyway last week I went to buy a mascara near here and they only had two waterproof, so I checked the brush and choose the one with different brush (compare to the normal mascara brush) which is much better by the way, the brush is very important. So I came home and tried it on after I curled it and OMG!!! IT holds the curl even if when I work out in the gym. Ok unless you sweat aloooooooooot the curl slowly goes down a bit, but if you sweat but not TOO much the curl stays!!. And if you use it daily it last ALL day.. I love it!! I normally use my falsies and still does, because they are just so beautiful and barely need make up with that, but now a days when I am in rush I only use this mascara. I totally recommend it for those who have stubborn lashes. And yes every girls should use mascara it open the eyes and it look so beautiful.
It cost me 12 euro its good price and always check the brush, opened it before you buy it because the brush is very important and the waterproof formula ;)
The secret to younger looker skin is less sun exposure as possible.
Beauty tips of the day:
Summer is here and before going to the beach and get the beautiful tan that will last longer, DONT forget to exfoliate your body with body scrub a day before. Do it regularly like every twice a week to get rid of the old dirty skin and too prepare it for sun tanning. By doing that you will get beautiful tan that will last longer. You can do it on your face too, but with the face scrub every week.
Tips for younger looking skin: Use high SPF protection when exposing yourself to the sun, have you ever seen a 50 year old asian woman that actually look like 50?? Thats their secret Sun protectio or no less sun exposure as possible. As for me i havent been at the beach or doing suntan for weeks now. And if i will i will use high SPF all over my body. I dont care about the tan anymore, i care about LOOKING younger. Too much sun exposure wont be seen until you get older all the wrinkels and that, YOU WILL NOTICE!!!
You dont want to look like this! Too much sun exposure, she look like 200 years old. So either enjoy your tanning now, or look younger later ;)...what you do now with your body will affect on how you will look when you get older.
Lucy Liu is 44 years old, but she look waaaay younger to be at that age. Her secret, just like mostly asian women, LESS SUN EXPOSURE AS POSSIBLE WITH SUPER HIGH SPF PROTECTION. Thats the biggest secret to younger looker skin. I hope it aint to late for me, because i have been exposing myself to the sun the last three years of my life. But this year HIGH SPF for me!! So if you want to look as young like she do, you know what you have to do ;).
Hair tips?
I have no secret to my long hair. Sometimes it looks so shiny sometimes super dry, but i prefer to have my hair dry than oily. So in order to avoid the quick oily hair roots that can make the dirty look and flat, is my no.1 tip WASH HAIR OFTEN. I wash mine once a week. Too much hair wash can ruin your hair specially with so hot water. Basically i dont do anything to my hair :)I love the big hair look and a lot of volume from the roots. I hate my hair when its just washed, i like it best after 2-3 days :)
When i was young my grandma always put 100% coconut oil from the coconut she had at home. It was plenty of coconut tree, she always put in my hair and leave it there for minutes. She says it makes my hair shiny and healthy. Then when i was like 6-7 years old i had so beautiful black, shiny, virgin thick hair, look like from the shampoo commercial, like the pic below.. But now its totally damage, with so much split ends. Sometimes i use deep conditioner. My auntie always says that i should brush my hair 50times before go to bed.
And alsoe i have 2nd tip. I NEVER SLEEP ON MY HAIR. Like i put it up over the pillow. When i straight my hair at night ( yeh who fix their hair at night before going to bed?) lol... Well i do, i do it most of the time before go to bed, when i wake up it still remain straight :) In that way i dont have to straight it with the iron everday.
I was BORN with jetblack straight hair, but now its freezy got to straight it.. Filipino and their hair...:)
//Jag har inga speciella hemligheter för att få mitt "fina" hår. Det enda är att jag tvättar den engång i veckan för att för mycket tvätt förstör håret speciellt om man ska tvätta med varmt vatten. Jag föredrar mitt hår som den är torrt för annars blir de oljiga som förut och blir helt platt. Jag älskar volym på håret det ska vara enormt !! Jag ogillar den när den är nytvättad, det bästa är 2-3dagar efter.
Min andra tip är att inte sova på håret, dvs när man ska ligga på sängen ska man dra upp den över kudden, på så sätt håller den sig rak när man har plattat den. Jag fixar alltid mitt hår på kvällen ( vem sjutton fixar sitt hår innan man går och lägger sig?), jag till exempel :)
När jag var liten brukar min mormor alltid lägga 100% kokos olja från kokosnötter, då min mormor och morfar äger ett stort land massa med kokosträd och det gör de idag fortfarande, äger landet. Hon brukar lägga den på mitt hår i flera minuter och sa alltid " det är bra för ditt hår så det blir ännu svartare, dock var det redan kål
Mina mostrar sa alltid att jag borde vara med i en sånt shampoo reklam för hår för så fin var den, helt raka, tjocka, och svarta pocahontas helt enkelt !! Men nu är håret tvärtom torrt, vågigt helt död...
Mörka armhålor??
Mörka armhålor och vad det kan bero på:
- Rakning - När man använder en rakhyvel för att raka bort håret på underarm, så rakar man av håret strax under ytan av huden. Rakning ger fula stubb, vilket ger en illusion av att du har mörkare underarmar. Samma sak gäller för krämer hårborttagning som Anne franska eller Veet. Båda dessa också ta bort hår på ytan bara, vilket gör att armhålorna ser mörkare. Det faktum att rakning leder inåtväxande hår också ytterligare bidrar till problemet. Försök istället vaxa eftersom det tar bort håret från roten själv.
- Döda celler - Mörkare underarmar kan mycket väl vara resultatet av döda celler samlas på armarna. Allt du behöver göra är att exfoliera försiktigt, antingen genom att använda en svamp som polerar bort döda celler eller scrubs med mjölksyra ( se. bild 1 och 2)
- Användning av för mycket deodoranter och antiperspiranter - Många teorier visar att de kemiska föreningar i starka deodoranter kan vara orsaken till mörkare underarmar. Detta leder till pigmentering, vilket kan resultera i permanent mörkare armhålorna. För att ändra det kan du använda deos för känslig hud eller tillgripa naturliga metoder för att hantera underarm lukt.
- Friktion - Ibland när vi bär åtsittande kläder på vardagar, kan friktionen mellan materialet och dina armhålor leder till mörkare armhålor. För att undvika detta, byt till lösare kläder och tyger som andas lätt på sommaren. I grund och botten, gnuggar fett ackumuleras under armen mot tyget och orsakar mörkfärgning. Gå ner i vikt kommer också att hjälpa.
- Ärftliga faktorer - Ibland kan ärftliga faktorer vara orsaken till mörka underarmar. Det kan vara uttalad viktökning, hormonella faktorer som resulterar i pigmentering eller användning av p-piller. I sådana fall kan du besöka läkare för att få professionell rådgivning som ditt problem är mycket djupare än bara mörka armhålor.
Hur blir man av mörka armhålor?:
- Vaxning - Den största orsaken till mörka armhålor är rakning eller använda krämer hårborttagning. Försök istället att vaxa håret. Det kommer att göra ont mer än alla andra metoder, men åtminstone kommer håret att tas bort från roten och underarma kommer vara ljusare direkt. Vaxning fungerar också som en peeling metod. För dem som vill bli av med hår under armarna för gott, är elektrolys annan permanent alternativ. Med tiden kommer de mörka fläckar under armen lätta.
- Citronsaft - Ett av de mest effektiva sätten för att få ljusa underarmar är att gnugga dem med citronsaft varje dag innan dusch/bad. Citron är en naturlig blekmedel och gör så att sakta ljusarnar området. Efter din bad eller dusch, använd fuktkräm för att mjuka upp huden och undvik att använda deodorant för ett par dagar.
- Potatis och gurka - Potatis fungerar också som en naturlig blekmedel. Du kan antingen gnugga underarmana med tunt skivad potatis, eller riv potatisen och tillämpa juice till det drabbade området. Låt det sitta i 15 minuter och sedan tvätta bort. Du kommer att märka att snart underarm huden verkar vara ljusare i färgen. Samma sätt kan du riva en gurka och lägg saften under armarna.
Lycka till :) !! Personligen använder jag citronsaft , men ska prova använda potatis skiva!!!