The coven

Is anyone watching The American Horror story season 3 The coven? My favorite season was the first one and the third one. I was trying to watch the season 2 Asylum, but I did not like the story. Maybe because I was upset because it was not a continution of the season 1 like every otheer series. Obviously that's why it's called American horror story, but still. I think I will try to watch the season 2 again and maybe I like it this time.

The grey zone

Just finished spending quality time with my man. We were watching a Nazi movie on the television called THE GREY ZONE about Auswitch something like that. Great movie!
Even how busy I am or we are, we are always giving an hour or two to spend time together watching a movie.

Great thing in facebook is you can make a list and share your for example recommended movies. I started to add as much as I remember, as far I added 347 movies that I have seen and that I recommend. Most of them are thriller/horror/gore.
Movie tips

Watch the trailer below
This movies is really good, although it could have been better. I do not like short movies as for this is only 1hr and 20 mins. Movies has to be at least 1hr and 40 mins, I think it just ruin everything if the movie is so short.
This movie bloody so it is not for people who are sensitive, I am pretty sensitive when it comes to blood, but I love watching it :). This is a movie about torture to survive.

It's Dexter season finale I really hope that it's not the end of the final serie. This is one of the best serie ever. People who is not watching Dexter, you really HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!!!

Terrors and horrors

Two days ago we were watching two movies at home called " THE CONJURING" and " WORLD WAR Z". If you almost have seen all the good and the best horror movies that
existed and haven't seen these ones yet, then it is about time to watch them! These two movies have very good rating in filmaffinity, where I first check the ratings before I decide to download them. The Conjuring has 7.8 out of 10 and that is very very good. Horror movies that are over 4 stars of 10 is already very good, imagine these ones. The world war Z with Brad Pitt had almost 7 rating out of 10, also very good movie.

Movie tip

I am a movie freak and so is my partner. We love watching horror movies, science fiction and also any kind good movie. Before i download movies i check them in to see how much rate the movie have. When it comes to horror and ghost movies normaly its over 4 stars and thats very good already, we dont watch movie less than 4 stars of horror movies. Although this movie have 6.4 stars out of 10 and thats very good, which it is.
This movie is about young couple who wanted to get away for a little vacation alone, so they went to a lake out in the woods called Eden Lake, but they were not alone after a day being there. There were a gang of young kids and a girl of age between 12-15 years old. They are this kind of kids that havent been raise well by their parents. Those kids are trouble makers and they dont have fears. I strongly recommend this movie about adults being tortured by these kids.
//Jag älskar att kolla på filmer också är min man. Vi älskar att kolla mest på läskiga filmer men även science fiction och ibland andra filmer som är mycket bra. Innan jag laddar ner en film så kollar jag först på för bety ( betyget på filmer där stämmer överens, är den bra så är de bra). Läskiga filmer får bara 4-6 stjärnor vilket är redan bra!!. Dock kollar vi inte på filmer som är lägre än fyra stjärnor för då är det skit film, trust me!. 4.4 stjärnor går gränsen och då är det bra läskiga filmer. Den här filmen har 6.4 stjärnor och den är så himla bra!!
Filmen handlar om ett ung par som åker iväg på en kort semester någonstans i Storbrittanien för att vara ensamma i lugn och ro, så de åkte ut mitt i skogen där det finns en sjö som heter Eden Lake. Men de är inte ensamma som de trodde att de skulle vara. Det fanns en grupp unga killar och en tjej mellan 12-15 år. Det sådana tonåringar som har inte blivit uppfostrad rätt av sina föräldrar, tonåringar som gillar att bråka och göra dumma riktiga dumma saker, det värsta är att de har inga rädsla för någon. Jag rekommenderar den här filmen starkt riktigt bra!!
Watch trailer here:)
Recommended movie

I downloaded this movie yersterday and today we watched it, pretty awesome movie its like The hostels with mafia, dark scenes and very bloody. This movie is about a surgeonb student called Mary.
Watch trailer here! Give this movie 5 stars out of 5
Awesome movies

Few minutes ago weve finish to watch the movie THE COLLECTION which is the second part of THE COLLECTOR from 2009. I love this kind of movie although its sick and makes me vomit how crazy this movie can be. If you havent seen this and you like gore movies like SAWS, THE HOSTELS and you are going to love this movie. Watch The first part first before you watch the second one.
//För några minuter sedan kollade vi på den här sjuka filmen som heter THE COLLECTION som är den andra delen av den första som heter THE COLLECTIO från 2009. Jag älskar sådana här blodiga filmer, fast det gör mig sjuk att jag vill bara spy, sjuka människor. Om ni har inte sett denna och ni killar blodiga thrillers filmer som SAW och THE HOSTELS kommer ni älskar detta. Kolla The Collector först som är den första filmen innan ni kollar på den senaste som heter THE COLLECTION.
Watch the trailer of THE COLLECTOR
Trailer of THE COLLECTION (2nd part)
The Dictator

We just finish watching this movie of Adam Sandler and he is as funny as usual and he imitate so good to. This movie reminds me of Zohan, if you like that humour for you who havent seen this, then you are going to love this movie. The director is the one from Borat, but only seen Borat once and i barely remember it, although this one is much better.
// Vi har precis kollat klart den här filmen med Adam Sandler och som vanlig är han lika rolig, han imiterar bra också. Filmen påminner mig om Zohan, så om ni gillar sådana här humör för er som har inte sett detta, ni måste se det, ni kommer älskar den här filmen. Det samma regisör som gjorde Borat, men han bara sett den filmen engång och tyckte inte ens att det var så bra, detta är mycket bättre.