A spontaneous night

Last weekend I went out spontaneously, I supposed to just chill and drink some beer then fall asleep. But it didn't happened, Sofian and his friend from Sweden Silvia was planning to go out that Saturday night. I joined them spontaneously. We went to a club near by called " Arena ". It was a nice club that it took us maybe 20 minutes to walk. Great music! We did't stayed long, but spend the last hours at Sofians home and ate some food. He always eat food before he go to sleep even how drunk he is and he even brush his teeth and all that.
I left his home when the sun started to come up at 8 ( by the way we are now neighbor just two streets from each other ) and just fall down on the bed with my party clothes on. Got no energy for brushing my teeth or changing my clothes.
I got a hangover day after specially when I mixed beer and vodka, ooh so bad. Luckily I ate and drank a lot of water, so it was less headache.

Crop top from Berskha / Skirt from Berskha / watch by Marc Ecko

I fixed my self pretty well even though I was so tipsy hahah
I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived

I am busy busy and busy a lot of study and after the new year it took a while to go back to my old routine. In two weeks I have my last course/subject and then I am finally finish with my study. I won't continue to university like I have planned from the beginning (going the other direction) but for sure in the future I will continue to study. I have other plans to do. I also got a fulltime job that I applied starting next week for a danish company. Hopefully I pass the one month trial and after that I will be moving to the city. This must be my busiest year and I'll give everything and sacrifice everything to fullfil it. Let this be the best year yet to come!

Follow me in instagram @vennezaishername :)
Going brunette

After 4 years I finally decided to go brunette and it actually look much better than I expected. So I am very satisfied with the results. I was tired of the "Beyoncé" look , I needed this contrast from my skin and hair and my "signature" golden brown hair color just became boring. Well see how long this brunette hair of mine last, but I don't think I go black, it makes my skin pale in the winter. The hair color supposed to come out lighter, but it came out darker and it also looks like I have highlights done just like the color of the box ( below). I really like the results and the highlights though, one color is boring, the highlights adds the warmth on my hair. I didn't like the brown with red tones and copper which I didn't want to achieve, now its more kinda chocolate brown mix with dark brown.
The product that I always use is from a famous Spanish hairdresser called LLONGUERAS, also the same brand when I colored my hair golden brown. The two package didn't gave me the full coverage, that's why I have highlights which doesn't look bad at all.

So what do you think? Blonde or Brunette?
Celebrations is not over here yet!

I had a great Lovely christmas and I hope you all had the same. Christmas is Spain is different than in Sweden, because here they have more celebrations. When the christmas day is over in most countries, it is not over yet until the 3 kings day which is the 6th of january here in Spain. It's a country of fiestas where people have a lot of celebrations. Most people gives gifts in christmas, but here some give gifts in the 3 kings day and some gives both in christmas and the 3 kings day. But in Rubén's family they give gifts in the 3 kings day ( luckily for me I won't have to find gifts until after new year), it will buy me some time, because I have no freakin idea what to buy this year.
We had this so called "Noche buena" the day 24th with his family and some relatives with a lot of food, specially the shrimps and wine love it :). Then the day after the 25 we had christmas day lunch with the same people with one additional person ( Ruben's cousin Alba) came from Manchester where she lives for a moment. The christmas is about a lot of food and family bonding. I probably won't have to eat for Days hahah.
I also Went for shopping and bought clothes for myself with my long time friend and first friend in Barcelona, her name is Irene. This girl would be my shopping partner, she Always find a great Place to shop for a great price. And I Always come with great Products. I will show pics tomorrow about the stuff that I bought.
Today it was also a special day, but we couldn't stay because we had to pick up my puppy that I leaved with a dog nanny. I only paid until today, so we had to pick him up. He had a great time playing with the other dog that they also had.
Next week on tuesday, we are going back to Barcelona again to celebrate new year, my two closest friends will come from Sweden, so maybe I will celebrate new year with them after 12. I don't know what's their plan yet, so nothing is for sure though.

Its pretty Cold over here, it was very windy today. Now I am going to do some stuff and hoping to go to sleep at 12, I was sleeping earlier for an hour or two, so I am wide awake. Tomorrow I have work from 13-18 and then do some study.
10:45 in the morning

No matter how "early" I go to bed I Always end up waking up at 10:45 in the morning. Which is very late, no wonder why the day is short for me. But when it's Winter and Cold you just want to tuck in the bed and lie there for a while. I am not a morning person, but I Wake up very early if I really have too.
At 15 ( 3pm) I have to work, decided to work 2 hours extra, normally I start at 17 (5pm) and finish at 21 ( 9 pm ). I work 2 hours extra when I got the chance, now where there are more Projects to do and they need people to work more hours. Until then I am going to study Before my next exam of maths.
How is your wednesday like?

( last weekend when we were in Barcelona )
Little shopping

I love faux fur

Faux fur collar/scarf: Mango and sweater from H&M
In Barcelona

I am in Barcelona until sunday. I haven't been here for almost 3 months, but it doesn't feel like it. It feels like I am here everyday. I Went to meet a friend Therese and Catch up with our lives. Haven't seen here for a while, so it was about time. We first Went to H&M and Mango shops and I did some Little shopping ( I will post it here tomorrow).
Barcelona is the same old city, alot of people and it's christmas decorations on the street and Buildings. In two weeks will be christmas and that is very soon.
Right now I am quiet awake, I couldn't sleep since I was sleeping this afternoon, so I was thinking to Watch American horror story latest season and The Vampire diaries. What are you up to this saturday night?

I have been looking for a black hat like this, but this one wasn't so good quality. Does it suits me? =) So finally I didn't bought it, it's from H&M so I have to find a better in the next shopping.

Therese she is also from Sweden and we used to be workmates two years ago =). Here with our coffe mocka + apple pie and hers is the same but with croissant. Never tried coffe mocka Before, but it was pretty weets. It's coffe with chocolate and Cream, very high in calories lol.
Blue and purple

Jacket: Jofama by Kenza / Cardigan from H&M / Oversized t-shirt from Gina Tricot / Scarf from Gina tricot / Jeans: Diesel / Shoes: Steve Madden Tarnney boots / Bag from Topshop / Sunglasses from Primark
Hello everbody,
I'm not the best with the update, but here you have something. Today was a Lovely day, warm and sunny. We Went to a city/Town closed by and grab something to eat and just walked around. Then we brought Tey my puppy to his veterinary to get the chip done. And then I worked when I got home from 5 pm - 9 pm. I just grab something Quick to eat and now I will study some maths. At night it's very Cold outside and a Little bit at home. Without the heater I would die of this Cold.
Me quality time

Saturday evening and I am all alone at home with my two doggies. Holding a Coronita on my hand and some snacks while watching a Movie called Wrong turn 5. I love these Movies, have seen 1-4 and as far I like it. It´s very slash, thriller Movie, but not that scary.
I was going to Watch series, but theres nothing new to Watch until next week.
So how is your saturday evening like? Party, dinner, relax at home?. Rubén is not here, but I don't mind to have some me time, I will see him tomorrow anyways. :)

Don't forget to follow me in instagram!

I've got 99 problems but the bitch ain't one

If you don't have motivation, how can we then motivate others? Maybe because of this place that makes me feel strange, like powerless, sometimes bored and isolated. Today is one of these days, I don't even know what to post in this blog, I don't feel sharing, I don't feel nothing. Do you have those days in the week? What would you do, to make you feel good again?.You know what could be perfect? Have the standard life like in Sweden, but live in Barcelona, ow how I wish it was like that. But it's either coffee or tea in life, not both. I feel sometimes to go back home, my head is there, but my heart is here. Proper home is very important, if you don't really have one, it's easy to give up where it makes your heart happy, to go where your heads tells you. Head or heart, head or heart?? The head says : go back home you can get a good job with decent salary, then with that you can afford to have your own place and build your life. While my heart say : stay where you are, doesn't matter if you can't get all of that right now, but you love this place, it makes you happy, the place, the sun, the people and it so much alive. We can't really fully have happines unless we are settled down. Why it has to be so complicated?

People may not tell you how they feel about you, but they always show you. Pay attention

Another saturday again and as usual I am home alone until sunday. I don't do that much, just at home. What is your saturday look like?

This picture is taken with my phone using the front camera. It is amazing quality.

Dyed the roots of my hair. Tired of the black roots, this is my signature color and I love it specialy in the winter.
Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy

Thank you Personligalmanacka for the fast delivery of my new calendar. I didn't expect it to arrive until thursday. Love my leather cover and my new calendar design.
Get your own design there is also available in english.
Get your own design there is also available in english.
If you don't expect it, it will come

It is funny how things are working until today I am still waitiing for my phone, that supposed to arrived today. But no phone :(. I called the customer service of the company, but they don't seem to know a shit. Everytime you talk to someone they say DIFFERENT THINGS. I wonder if someone really trains them, so they know what they are doing. I am a very impatient person when someone kinda promise that " I will get it in time". So what I am going to do is just ignore about the phone and don't think about when it will come. You will see, the less I expect it the sooner it will come. Things are slow...
The weather makes me smile, it's like the summer weather again from one day to another. Very warmth and I would just like to sit outside and enjoy it, but I have loads of stuff to do and sometimes you have to make sacrifices.
I dislike it when people tell me how to handle my time, well guess what I would never do things for someone that I dont know by leaving my studies and work jusst for a weekend. It's funny how people really can think that I would do everything for them whenever they can. Sorry you ain't worth my time.
I am very careful who I let in in my life, that's why I am not a social person. I always say " why go with a bunch group of people try to socialize and pretend to care about life of someone" as if I care if the person I am talking too that I don't know what he or she is doing with his life. I hate being in that situation, because it always starts with conversation about what you are doing and I don't feel sharing my stuff with someone that I would not probably meet again. And I don't like that people that have to make such an effort talking to you asking questions like if he or she is so interested, whatever!

#throwback years ago
I was skiny even though I did not give a shit about the kilos I have
Two things prevent us from happiness; living in the past and observing others

Was long time since I uploaded a "today" pics of me, so here you go. Now time for work from 17:00-21:00 (4hrs) I love my job.
Back on track

The best carbs you can ever eat if you WANT to lose weight and get the flat stomach to reveal your abs is SWEET POTATO and BROWN RICE. People always ask "what is your workout?", but they forget to instead ask " what is your diet?". Diet people diet is the key, you want to get flat abs or lose weight eat the amount needed protein per weight and eat carbs just once a day, the rest of the meal of the day should be a lot of protein and a little bit of steam vegges. No magic tricks no short cut to weightloss. Since I had a coached INGRID ROMERO until then I realized that my what I called "clean eating" was NOT clean enough.I was eating the food that I thought was healthy and clean, but she said DONT FRIED YOUR FOOD WHETHER WITH OR WITHOUT OIL and there was so many food that I usually eat even though they are "healthy" that I wasn't allowed to eat. But it changed everything! The diets she gave me and which also I learn is NO ADDED sugar or condiments. Pure clean and combined with weight training and cardio almost everyday of 30 mins BAAAAM you will see flatter stomach. I will now go baack to my fatloss workout and meal plan she gave me. I saw progress everyday she is the best coached ever she and her husband too.

Miss my abs two months ago I haven't workout and follow my diet. So many studies and other priorities, luckily I am not far from this, so within a month or few weeks I will be back on track.
Forever is a strong deep word and it doesnt exist in human life
There are no ugly women in this world, just lazy ones - Coco Chanel

MakeUP is not a tool meant to make an ugly thing beautiful
It is meant ONLY to MAGNIFY the beauty that already exist.