Take care of your health

Health is priceless and I would eat or drink anything to stay healthy and never get sick for the rest of my Life. I haven't been sick for quiet long now and normally I have weak immune system and my defenses is not strong, so whenever it's Cold for example I get sick easily. How healthy you eat you can see it, how healthy really is the food that you Think was healthy by checking your urine. Everytime you pee after the food you eat you can see the color. The clearer your urine is the healthy you are. So Think about it! For instants if you eat a Big Mac form Mcdonald and more if you drink coke, your urine would be yellow or even worse orange. That food is nasty! Healthy food for me is as Close to nature as possible, that would mean no added or very Little salt and peppars, no sugar, no dairy, no process carbs ( such as spagetti or wheat) and no sauce. But rice and root food like sweet potato are good because they are organic, they don't go under the process Before we buy them and eat it, but they are naturally as it is.
My breakfast is Herbalife shake formula with low fat milk + half banana + ice. Its vanilla flavor. It's good for people that don't have time and want a fast breakfast, but at the same time it gives you all the nutrients and vitamins you need for the day along with the multivitamin. Herbalife is very healthy theres no bullshit in the Product and I recommend it to everyone who need an extra kick in the morning or out of time and just want to make sure that they have all the vitamins and nutrients that they need in one meal.
Now I am going to do some maths because I have exams going on. Wish me luck =)


Herbalife shakes arrived today and a multivitamin. =). If you would like to try herbalife leave a comment below.
Don't forget to follow me in instagram!

Have fun when you workout

Ok, long process it felt like with the workout, eating my meals, taking a shower and going out with the dog. It felt forever until I can finally seat down and study!!!
Did my cardio at the roof top doing the skipping rope for 30mins, super hot and the sun was just shining on my face, I was thinking to sun tan tomorrow while it's still warm. And ofcourse I did chest workout, legs, arms and glutes.

Had the music volume on, since we are the only one that live in this building on the weekdays, it felt good to not to hide just incase someone is coming up. Great view right?!

Today and 2 months ago comparison. Doesn't look like I was cheating for two months, but I did and I cheated pretty well, I didn't worked out either. But just because of the diet that I had before and the diet that I am following now it was so effective that even If I cheat, it didn't really affect the body that much. My diet is super clean, its not a magic shake or skipping carbs, is real food! Focus more on your diet, than your workout, you can sweat and do workout and lift, but if you don't have the right protein , the right food in your body that helps you see results while doing your workouts, you won't see great progress.
If you don't prepare you will fail

Got my macbook back, it was asleep for a month for the reason that I did¨nt buy a new charger after a year that I just bought one. Now it's working slow a bit because of the one month of no charge. I had to buy a new charger, but if we kept the receit from the last time I wouln't have the need to buy another one because of the guarantee. So last weekend Rubén bought a new charger for me, but my computer won't charge anymore, it's only working with the battery on, if I unplugg it it will shut down. So have to leave it to the technic support, I wonder what would that cost to fix it? This computer I only had since 2011 and it's upset me because I expected more from apple.
Anyway I did my foodprep yersterday for the week, let's go back to work out. Just had my Breakfast/preworkout meal which you have to know it's always have to consist of protein and carbs 1-2 hours before workout.

My diet is from my coach ( INGRID ROMERO) you can research her on the internet ( SHE IS THE BEST) it's SO CLEAN the chicken in the oven with NO condiments the same the sweet potato. My veggies are always steam and lots of eggs for egg whites. This is only the base of my diet for this week, so I won't have to cook everyday.

This is my preworkout protein 113g and sweet potato 113g.
This clean eating is so effective that you will see results immediatley along with the workout that I have. I will show you pics the end of this week, to see the huge difference.
Tuesday - diet tips

If you find it hard drinking plenty of water everyday you can squeeze lemon juice it's also ok. Water is also good for your skin:)

Monday - diet tips
Diet tips of the day
Back on track

The best carbs you can ever eat if you WANT to lose weight and get the flat stomach to reveal your abs is SWEET POTATO and BROWN RICE. People always ask "what is your workout?", but they forget to instead ask " what is your diet?". Diet people diet is the key, you want to get flat abs or lose weight eat the amount needed protein per weight and eat carbs just once a day, the rest of the meal of the day should be a lot of protein and a little bit of steam vegges. No magic tricks no short cut to weightloss. Since I had a coached INGRID ROMERO until then I realized that my what I called "clean eating" was NOT clean enough.I was eating the food that I thought was healthy and clean, but she said DONT FRIED YOUR FOOD WHETHER WITH OR WITHOUT OIL and there was so many food that I usually eat even though they are "healthy" that I wasn't allowed to eat. But it changed everything! The diets she gave me and which also I learn is NO ADDED sugar or condiments. Pure clean and combined with weight training and cardio almost everyday of 30 mins BAAAAM you will see flatter stomach. I will now go baack to my fatloss workout and meal plan she gave me. I saw progress everyday she is the best coached ever she and her husband too.

Miss my abs two months ago I haven't workout and follow my diet. So many studies and other priorities, luckily I am not far from this, so within a month or few weeks I will be back on track.
Meal 4

What i ate today 60-120 minutes after post workout meal:
- Brown rice
- Aubergine
- Chicken
- Avocado
Meal 2- Breakfast/preworkout

- Oatmeal
- 0,5 dl of skimmilk
- 17g of almonds
- 1 cook whole egg
- 1 cook egg white
My goal is to eat 7 times a day 40% protein 30% carbs 30% fats. After i woked up today i took whey protein powder to feed my body since it had been fasting during sleep and it need fast protein right away to prevent muscle breakdown. I also took 2 capsules of BCAA of amino acids to prevent muscles breakdown and 1 caffein fat burner and one apple. 30-60minutes after that i took meal 2 above which is my breakfast/preworkout meal.
There is no diet that will do what eating healthy does. Skip the diet, just eat healthy!
Food prep for this week

I already ate monday and todays lunch, but here i have my food prep for wednesday-saturday.
Every sunday i tried to prepare my food for this whole week apart from sundays when we are usualy in Barcelona eating at Rubens moms home. But i make sure i eat clean every saturday too when i am there, thats why i am preparing my food for this week to make sure that i dont get tempted eating other food that is not in my lifestyle diet.
Foodprep is very good and smart idea specialy if you are away from home like working or studying, by preparing your food for whole week specially lunch will help you to eat clean. Spend few hours every sunday night before go to bed prepare the food lunch and snacks. Since eating clean is very important in the diet when working out, food prep is a good alternative and it save time everyday by preparing lunch.

My fifth meal of the day which is dinner 338kcal:
- 2 whole wheat bread 116kcal/each
- 61g of tuna fish in water 50kcal
- 21g of low fat mayonnaise 56kcal
I usualy eat sallad but i get bored, specially if i dont have avocado in my sallad.
Make progress or make excuses your choices

I am trying to make my legs bigger, not horse legs but big :) Ive got long way to go, but legs are the muscles in the body that grow faster than what you think, unless in my case. This summer i am getting a gym membership just to use the cardio machines in the morning and also the machines for leg workout, and im gonna kill it :)!!!

My suppmelents and vitamins for this month arrived today i am so happy :) I just need to buy extra vitamin E and C that is also good for skin.
- Bsn syntha-6 isolate red big bottle is the refill of my protein powder which is 100% Whey and Casein for muscle building.
- BCAA 1000caps are essential amino for support New Lean Mass Growth and Reduce Muscle Breakdown!. When doing cardio workout not only you burn calories and burn fat, but also burn the muscles that you need to build, if you are doing weighttraining, in my case i need these to prevent or reduce muscle breakdown.
- Opti-women Multivitamins it have 23 Vitamins and Essential Minerals. This multivitamin are great for those who are active. Everybody should take multivitamins because it is just impossible to get all the vitamins we need in the food we eat.
- Fish Oil Omega 3 the 4 benefits are healthier blood cholesterole, improved bone health, cancer protection and protection against mood disorder so its like happy pills :)

So this is all my supplements that i should take daily:
- BCAA 1000 caps - 2capsules/day 30-45minutes before workout and directly after working out.
- Thermotex - fatburning design for to burn bodyfat in the hardest area of the body and also gives you energy and focus and physical performance, its a Great for pre-workout. I took 1capsules 3x aday, but i just was wrong i should take minimum 2 capsules 3x a day 30 minutes before meals and exercise.
- Opti-women - 2 capsules/day with meal morning and lunch.
- Fish oil Omega 3 - 1-2capsules 3x a day with meal, i take only 1 capsules 3x a day to begin with.
- Bsn Syntha-6 isolate Protein powder i take between meals 2x a day.
Breakfast and preworkout meal

This is my big breakfast today: oatmeal and scramble eggs with tomato slices and spinach so delicious :)
Preworkout meal

I just made my preworkout meal, before that i took my 2nd thermotex and in 30mins i will eat these.
Preworkout meal have to be fast and slow carbs. The higher GI the higher carbs, the lower the slower carbs. Slower carbs like vegetables, integral pasta or rice are slow to digest, which is needed to take before workout so that it will give you energy through all the time performing the workout. The faster one is a fast energy before workout but that wont last long, therefore you need the slow carbs aswell. Dont forget the protein minimum 22g of protein. I could have taken my protein shake, but i take it as a post workout meal.
I did not take a fast carbs because i am taking the thermotex that already give my the energy effect in the beginning of my workout.
SO preworkout should be - Fast & slow carbs + protein + healthy fats ( that you can find when eating or drinking your protein , so i dont need to eat fat alone.
- Fish file 83g - 69kcal
- Breadcrumbs 4g - 11kcal
- Integral pasta 41g- 142 kcal
- Brocoli 74g - 24kcal
- 1tsp of olive oil ( i dont normally add it)
Total calories: 246kcal
After i eat these in 1,5 hours i will take another thermotex 30 mins before workout and 30 mins after that ill be doing my upper body workout today. So that would be 2hours from meal to workout.
If you dont eat right before and after workout you wont see the muscles that you are building. So eat right!
//Jag har precis gjort min pre-workout måltid, innan dess tog jag min andra thermotex 30 minuter innan mat.
Som pre workout meal (det man ska äta innan träning) är det viktigt att få i sig snabba och långsamma kolhydrater. Ju högre GI ju snabbare kolhydrater, det brukar oftas finnas på vit bröd och oftast ohälsosamma mat, men välj en bättre alternativ. Ju lägre GI ju långasamma kolhydrater som fullkornpasta, ris och grönsaker. Man behöver snabba kolhydrater för att få en sånt kick energi i början av sin träning, men dessa kolhydrater varar inte länge under sin träning de smälter bort, så därför behöver man långsamma kolhydrater som fullkornspasta för att orka träna. Jag hade inte behövs med snabba kolhydrater för att jag tar thermotex som ger mig den energi jag behöver, så det räcker med långsamma kolhydrater. Det är också viktigt att få i sig tillräckligt med protein minst 22g, så antingen kan man dricka protein shake eller äta som jag gör. Jag brukar dricka protein shake efter träning med snabba kolhydrat som banan. Fett är också viktigt att få i sig, men oftast finns de redan i kolhydraterna och protein. Så det inte så att man ska klunka olive olja :S..
Så preworkout meal (vet ej vad det heter på svenska) ska vara - snabba och långsamma kolhydrater, fett och protein.
Efter jag har ätit min preworkout måltid ska jag ta en till thermotex 30 minuter innan träning och det gör jag 1,5hr efter måltiden så blir 2hr i mellan måltid och träning. Om man inte äter rätt innan och efter träning så kommer jag inte se resultatet, speciellt när det gäller styrketräning. Musklerna kommer inte synas!
Are you eating clean?

My early snacks between each meals:
- 1 Scoop of Bsn Syntha-6 isolate (100% whey & casein powder) - 150kcal
- 87 g strawberries - 28kcal
- 107 kiwi - 65kcal
DELICIOUS and low carbs :)
What do you eat between meals?
// Tidigt mellamål
- 1 mått av min protein dricka
- Jordgubbar
- kiwi
Super gott och låg kalorie :)
Never skip breakfast

My breakfast /preworkout of 403 calories I should ate less because i did not workout finally when the lights turn off, so was pretty "useless" eating this much when all i do is nothing. I will workout now instead in 2 hours.
- Oatmeal 62g - 215kcal
- 1 teaspoon of flaxseed- 34kcal
- 0,5dl of milk - 19kcal
- Strawberries 72g - 23kcal
- 1 cook egg 53g - 82kcal
- 2 cook egg whites 73g - 30kcal
With these i got my protein,carbs and fat for workout (suppose to be)
// Dagens frukost som var 403kalorier, vilket var inte nödvändigt att äta så mycket eftersom jag kunde inte träna tillslut pga elektricitetet försvann i fyra timmar. Men jag ska i alla fall träna nu om 2hr.

Todays lunch 336 calories:
- 109g fried chicken breast ( a tiny drops of olive oil)
- 133g of frozen beans
- 2 slices of hard fiber bread
- 13g of goat cheese
If you are going to eat high carbs try to eat it in breakfast and lunch, but then eat lowcarbs after lunch. Thats for those who want to lose weight. I still have jiggle wiggle to get rid off.
// Ska man äta kolhydrater som ris och potatis bör man äta den tidigt på dan som lunch. Man ska helst äta låg kalorier efter lunch som grönsaker för de som vill gå ner i vikt.
Breakfast of the day

Tuesday breakfast/preworkout meal: 435 calories
- Cooked oatmeal 67g - 232 cal
- 1 teaspoon of flaxseed - 34 cal
- 1 scoop of BSN lean dessert protein shake - 150cal
- 0,5dl/0,21 cup of Kaiku milk without lactose - 19 cal
Todays workout is ABS workout + HIIT CARDIO of 30mins. I warm up 5 mins with speed rope or you can just jump for 5minutes. Then i do some abs workout and then HIIT cardio. Since HIIT cardio is not like normal cardio like running on a treadmill i need to eat the same preworkout meal as if i were doing weightlifting. If i only do speedrope jumping for 30mins i can just grab a banana or shake.
//Dagens träning är magträning och sen HIIT CARDIO för 30mins. Jag värmer upp mig förs i fem minuter genom att hoppa hoprep, man kan värma upp sig på många olika sätt som exempelvis göra jumping jacks eller vad man nu föredrar att göra. Eftersom jag gör inte den traditionella cardio träning som att springa eller vad det nu är så måste jag äta samma preworkout måltid som om jag skulle göra styrketräning. Skulle jag bara hoppa hoprep i 30 mins så räcker det att äta något lätt som en frukt eller en protein shake.