My favorites in Etsy shop
Hi Guys,
I want to recommend this app that I just downloaded last night. Its a shop app called ETSY. And there you can find a lot of unique things that are handcrafted from people in different countries. Just this crazy things that you could wish that someone invent and make it, or just find a unique make up organizer, a quotes in a huge frame for instance.
As I just told you before I just moved to my own flat for a month now and I am looking around for inspirations on how I want it. I don't want my home full of just Ikea things. Here I found alot of cool and smart things that I could think of buying one day. Things that you can't just find any where.
You can find my favorites in this link below for more info:
Here below are just a printscreen of some of my favorites.
Louge sofa
Dreaming away
Paradise...imagine live here infront of a cristal clear beach :)
Why stress over something you can't change?
Our plan this coming months is to instead renovate this summer flat that we are staying right now ( yes we are back here again ) . I can say it is not the best year of my life, but not the worse either. I am just tired of all the moving and all like gypsys, well atleast the gypsys have home whether its the bus or trailer.
My planned was to find a flat, but it didnt happen. So the second plan instead is to live outside Barcelona where we lived last year, but instead spending the money for the new flat with deposit and all is that we are going to buy new furniture and slowly redesign this flat, so it FEELS MORE HOME. Then afterwards renovate it, like change the doors, floors, kitchen etc. Its not bad, but if I am going to live here it has to feel like home. Right now I feel like in a vacation, because it is a summer flat. Anyway slowly but surely that is the plan.
The other advantage living here is that I now have 2 dogs, for the moment Blackie the oldest one is still ok and hopefully he lives more years and we dont have to pay for the rent only the water and electricity which is cheap for two since Ruben and his family own this flat.
To be honest I wouldnt mind moving to another country, for the moment I am not ready yet to go back to Sweden, but Its good to know that atleast I have a country or two to come home to. I have no problem packing my bags and moving, ofcourse I have two dogs but thers ALWAYS a solution so I can bring them.
When you are getting "older" you think more of your future than you did when you were young. I am not talking about marriage, family and kids. But I am talking about my future, future job/career and to have a home that is actually yours. One step at a time we will get there. The important thing is that I am happy where I am, cause whats the purpose having everything, but you are not happy?!
Fresh new blog design
Hello bloggers!
As i promise i will post more often in my blog, i swear i will post every day just like in my instagram. I also promise that i will post first and foremost in english so that you all who want to read my blog DO understand, besides i find it way easier and comfortable writing in english than any other language, even though my grammar sucks so bare with me! Although i speak better in swedish of course, but write better in english. I dont know why since i speak five languages i can express myself much better in english. Anyway i am so happy because i have a new blog design :) Its like getting new clothes or new pair of shoes. I have so many other stuff to do with my blog and that would be rearranging my categories, add or change the old post to the right categories above and that would take me a while.
// Hej bloggen
Ok jag vet att många svenskar förstår engelska, men jag kommer att översätta det ändå på svenska. Jag har lovat mina instagram följare och andra människor som inte är svenskar att jag ska börja skriva på engelska. Lite jobbigt när man pratar olika språk. Jag ska börja blogga igen eftersom det var ett tag sen jag har gjort inlägg. Nu har jag fräsch super snygg design att det som att få nya kläder eller ett par nya skor :) Så glad är jag seriöst! Har dock så mycket att göra i min blogg dvs ändra och fixa till gamla inlägg så att de hamnar i rätt kategorier, så det kommer vara ett tag.