10:45 in the morning

No matter how "early" I go to bed I Always end up waking up at 10:45 in the morning. Which is very late, no wonder why the day is short for me. But when it's Winter and Cold you just want to tuck in the bed and lie there for a while. I am not a morning person, but I Wake up very early if I really have too.
At 15 ( 3pm) I have to work, decided to work 2 hours extra, normally I start at 17 (5pm) and finish at 21 ( 9 pm ). I work 2 hours extra when I got the chance, now where there are more Projects to do and they need people to work more hours. Until then I am going to study Before my next exam of maths.
How is your wednesday like?

( last weekend when we were in Barcelona )