Celebrations is not over here yet!

I had a great Lovely christmas and I hope you all had the same. Christmas is Spain is different than in Sweden, because here they have more celebrations. When the christmas day is over in most countries, it is not over yet until the 3 kings day which is the 6th of january here in Spain. It's a country of fiestas where people have a lot of celebrations. Most people gives gifts in christmas, but here some give gifts in the 3 kings day and some gives both in christmas and the 3 kings day. But in Rubén's family they give gifts in the 3 kings day ( luckily for me I won't have to find gifts until after new year), it will buy me some time, because I have no freakin idea what to buy this year.
We had this so called "Noche buena" the day 24th with his family and some relatives with a lot of food, specially the shrimps and wine love it :). Then the day after the 25 we had christmas day lunch with the same people with one additional person ( Ruben's cousin Alba) came from Manchester where she lives for a moment. The christmas is about a lot of food and family bonding. I probably won't have to eat for Days hahah.
I also Went for shopping and bought clothes for myself with my long time friend and first friend in Barcelona, her name is Irene. This girl would be my shopping partner, she Always find a great Place to shop for a great price. And I Always come with great Products. I will show pics tomorrow about the stuff that I bought.
Today it was also a special day, but we couldn't stay because we had to pick up my puppy that I leaved with a dog nanny. I only paid until today, so we had to pick him up. He had a great time playing with the other dog that they also had.
Next week on tuesday, we are going back to Barcelona again to celebrate new year, my two closest friends will come from Sweden, so maybe I will celebrate new year with them after 12. I don't know what's their plan yet, so nothing is for sure though.

Its pretty Cold over here, it was very windy today. Now I am going to do some stuff and hoping to go to sleep at 12, I was sleeping earlier for an hour or two, so I am wide awake. Tomorrow I have work from 13-18 and then do some study.