My signature hair color

Not many asians can pull off light hair like i have, i didnt thought it would suits me before, but now i love it! Dark hair doesnt suits me specially the jetblack hair. Ii dont feel great in that color, thats why i skip the trying new color and stick with the ones that i have. Just because its fashion doesnt mean it will suits every one. I also had some highlights done under so it wont be too brown.
The hairdresser that i go to is the one we have in front of the flat. They are chinese and very good at what they are doing. They seem not to understand spanish when people try to explain them things, but they do understand more than we can imagine. They are great! Although they should be more talkative to their clients, like being friendly and talking. But the problem with them they barely talk, they ask what you want when you get in smile a little bit and do their job. Old people like to talk while they got their hair done, but the chinese are trying to avoid it. Its all about work work and work. Like " shut up and let me do my job" lol. But i think it is important to make relationships with your customer, make them feel comfortable so that they can trust you doing their hair. But they have their own way..people are different!