Workout and make it a habit

My first day in my old gym as i told earlier. It felt great and i burned more calories, alot more than if i work out at home like 200kcal more calories. The gym is beautiful very "luxury" and private, but the problem is the weight or fitness room is not that big, the weightroom is more smaller. Tomorrow i want to get in the gym earlier than i went today, because today they were a lot more people than what i expected. So i want to workout at 7:30 30minutes after they open. In that case i have access to all the machines that i need without having to wait. Its better to work out first thing in the morning, before you make reason to work out later and you end up skipping it. Do it in the morning to start your day, start your metabolism, once its done you can continue with your daily routine.

after my workout...which was upper body

in the dressing room we have everything a girl needs - Lotion, blower, flat iron and other stuff
We also get one big white towel and one small every time we go in to workout in the receptions.

I always bring my flat iron specially to use after the gym just incase i need it. But i saw that they have these luxury flat
iron :)
Do you workout in the gym or at home? What is the best time of the day for your workout?