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Sometimes i find it hard to sleep early than wake up early, or i might as just sleep late and wake up late. I have more problem sleeping early than late. Its hard when you are a night person, but i am trying to sleep around 00:00-01:00 so i have atleast 7-8hours sleep which is one of the main key when you work out. Thats when the time when the muscles are resting and do its recovery, thats when the muscles grow while we sleep. The other reason that i should sleep early too so i can wake up early is that i have to make calls and work in the morning, but now its a little bit to late. So ill have to do it tomorrow!
Today is my upper body workout and with 20 mins of cardio in the end. What time of the day do you work out? Next week i will start to go to the gym, but i havent decided which gym yet. I dont like to go to some local gym nearby full of guys and full of people. The gym that i want its pretty far to travel just to arrive their and the one i used to go is not that far, but i cant remember if they have all machines. ITs more fancy and private gym, but what annoys me are the people that work there, they are like every where, like if you go shopping asking if you need help. So i will try to go to the gym early in the morning when they open so i can workout in peace!! I just hope that they have the machines that i am going to use alot specially legs machines. Lets find out!