Strong women do it best
Every work out starts with 5 minutes warm up with my speed rope and end with stretch.
- Arnold Press ( yes name from Arnold Swarzaneger ) 3kg/6lb 3x12
- Dumbbell Press 3kg/6lb 3x12
- Front raises with dumbbell 2kg/4lb 3x12
- Bent over raise 2kg/4lb 3x12
I use different weight in some workout it is because doing arnold press is easier than doing bent over raise if i used the same weight.
This month i just started to focus on weight lifting, before i focused more on cardio, so im a beginner thats why my weights are light. You should lift weight that the last 3 reps are like hard enough so you really use all your strenght, if it is too easy then take more weight. Some people prefer to do light weights and higher reps, but i prefer do more weight and less reps.
- Bent over rows dumbbell 3kg/6lb 3x12
- Bent over row on bench 3kg/6lb 3x12
- Back extensions with the stability ball 3x12
When i do Shoulders and Back i dont burn much calorie today i burned 241kcal.
// Måndag - AXLAR & RYGG
Jag börjar alltid först med 5 minuters uppvärming med hoprep och slutar med stretching. Jag använder olika vikt beror på vilken träning jag gör, det för att jag kan lyfta mer vikt göra Arnold press än om jag skulle göra bent over raise.
När jag tränar axlar och rygg brukar jag inte bränna så många kalorier som idag 241 calorier i 44 minuter.