Working out is not suppose to be easy, if it is then everybody would be fit and perfect right now ;)
Lower body workout every tuesday & friday for 6 weeks. This workouts makes me burn more calorie than upper body because its intense.
Lunges with dumbbell 4kg 3x12 ( Quadriceps) 1 of The best workout for legs and also for glutes
Sandbag squats 15kg max for my sandbag 3x15 (quadriceps)
1 of the best legs workout and also glutes.
Side leg raises 3x15 (Outerthigh/legs)
Deadlift 3x20-25 due to light weight 15kg (Hamstring)
the best is to have as heavier weight as you can. So for me i got to buy weight for my barbell row
Hamstring curls on bench 3x8-12 10kg (Hamstring) Love this workout
but i am still experimenting the best weight for me. The hardest part is to lift up the weight on the floor
Hamstring curl on the stability ball 3x15-20 ( hamstring) Killer workout!
Glute bridge 3x12-15 instead of barbell i use my sandbag (Glutes) ( U can feel ur glutes)
Kneeling squat with sandbag 3x20 (glutes) Love this!
Hip extensions but on bench 3x15-20 (Glutes)
Jumping jacks 3x50 (Glutes/legs)
Hyperextensions with stability ball on bench 3x15 (Glutes)