Status makes someone beautiful more beautiful
It Always cross my mind from time to time when I read in the Magazines, Heard on the radio or by someone and seen on the television THE HOTTEST/SEXIEST/STRONGEST/RICHIEST/SMARTEST/MOST BEAUTIFUL PERSON IN THE WORLD. I guess it's very flattering for those people that recieved that title, most of them are celebrities (obviously ). But who in the freakin Earth give those people that kinda "title"? I mean obviously those nominees for the hottest/sexiest/strongest/richiest/smartest and most Beautiful are the famous faces that we all know or Heard of, who else? I mean the strongest homeless man on the street? Or the smartest kid of an unknown family or the most Beautiful woman who lives somewhere in the squater poorest area in Latin America washing clothes with her hand for a living? Who cares about them right? They are poor, homeless and unknown I mean them we don't pay attention. How many billions of people are on this Earth? That I don't really know but a loot so how can people really say the most Beautiful person on Earth? Have everybody seen every human living on Earth? Nope, in reality there is no the most Beautiful person, probably one of the most, but not the most. There is no such as the smartest person on the planet or the strongest man either. There are many Beautiful Girls out there and the most prettiest doesn't exist. So it's just so stupid putting that title to someone. It's just bothering me to say he is or she is, which is truly impossible.
Lets talk about Beauty, Ok Megan Fox is one of the sexiest or Rihanna one of the prettiest, but the truth is Megan Fox in not that sexy or Rihanna aint that pretty. I have seen a lot of Girls that is prettier or as pretty as Rihanna, but they aint the most prettiest. But why? Because these people are famous and their faces we see everyday, they are automatically in our head, they are just ordinary people, but because of the fame and Money they get pimp up and suddenly they become SUPERIOR. They've got the style, the expensive spa, they get fix etc... Status is what MAKES AN ordinary Beautiful person to the most Beautiful. If Megan Fox was not famous and so Rihanna, Walking on the street just like the rest of us, they would be just pretty and just sexy. The more famous they become the more Beautiful they become. Its just how this World is. Imagine 50cent or Neyo they ain't good looking, but because of the fame and Money it makes them very attractive to many, it gives them appeal. If they were just regular dudes Walking on the street they would probably be one of the ugliest. So status is what makes SOMEONE THE MOOOOST, without it they just blend in like the rest of us. So whoever made this things up with the BEST person in the World, must have nothing to do!
Yes you Rihanna are the most Beautiful girl in the whole entire planet, even without make up on you are so perfect for many people. I have seen a lot of Girls that are really truly so Beautiful with or without makeup, very pretty, but if people would vote between you and those Girls, theres no doubt that they will vote for you, because fame is the one way ticket. I don't really mind but many Young Girls have low self esteem comparing themselves to some pimp up and famous celebrities.