Windows 8
Hi readers,
Sorry for the bad update, my macbook wasn't working fast anymore, I have to format it because I've got alot of BS (bullshit) in there. But yersterday I bought a new laptop just for work, so I can keep it. It required to have windows computer to be able to use the programs that we used. I was using Ruben's laptop lately, but now is not functioning well. But luckily I bought a new one windows 8. Honestly I like windows 8 than windows program long time ago. Its advance and copy cat of macintosh, but doesn't matter I like it! So I'm glad that the problem is solve and I can continue working 4hrs a day :). I thought I was going to lose my job, but luck was by my side yersterday.
I still have the plastic on the screen , just incase something goes wrong I can return it, you never know, just incase...
This computer look much better in reality than in the pic.
Here is the windows 8 program. I love it!
Is totally different compare to old windows. I'm glad that they consider making windows better.