I've got 99 problems but the bitch ain't one
If you don't have motivation, how can we then motivate others? Maybe because of this place that makes me feel strange, like powerless, sometimes bored and isolated. Today is one of these days, I don't even know what to post in this blog, I don't feel sharing, I don't feel nothing. Do you have those days in the week? What would you do, to make you feel good again?.You know what could be perfect? Have the standard life like in Sweden, but live in Barcelona, ow how I wish it was like that. But it's either coffee or tea in life, not both. I feel sometimes to go back home, my head is there, but my heart is here. Proper home is very important, if you don't really have one, it's easy to give up where it makes your heart happy, to go where your heads tells you. Head or heart, head or heart?? The head says : go back home you can get a good job with decent salary, then with that you can afford to have your own place and build your life. While my heart say : stay where you are, doesn't matter if you can't get all of that right now, but you love this place, it makes you happy, the place, the sun, the people and it so much alive. We can't really fully have happines unless we are settled down. Why it has to be so complicated?