Do take care of your skin

Anna Möller 15spf / Barbaria sun oil 30spf
Do wear sunscreen for anti-wrinkle ALWAYS before going out the house. Suncreen does not only protect us from UV harm and give us later on wrinkles, but it also actually helps prevent oily face when using with or without make up. Two months ago I bought my very first suncreen protection cream, the lady who sold me that said 15spf would be enough for me.
While in Barcelona it is still summer around 26 degrees and for people who live in a hot country or for those who travel DO USE sunoil but with high spf. I wish I have known these before but, I thougth sunoil with spf wont give you tan at all, but that is not true. Why use sunoil without or low spf when you can use exaactly the same one but with high spf and GIVES U protection. U get tan at the same time just like the other sunoil with low spf and that you are protected from UV. That is something your futureself will thank you for. So totally recommend that for you who have especially light skin like European or American but also for everybody. The skin is the fountain of youth the earlier you take care of them the better and ofcourse I am not saying you do it when you are under 18, you know what I mean. There is difference between suncream and sunoil with spf. Suncream does not really give you tan, while sunoil with the same high spf like suncreen do give you tan.