Summer bodies is made in the winter
A lot of people two months before summer or even one month before summer starts to take out their running shoes and workout. It actually takes more than two months to get results. The best time to prepare your body to bikini body is working out in the winter, its 9 months to summer and that what it takes to get the result, depends on how hard you workout, how clean you eat you can get faster result. So grab your trainees and starts to workout. If you can't go to the gym or don't or want to spend more than 30 minutes of working out, then you can start working out with THE DAILYHIIT ( before bodyrocktv). They do free workouts every day and they don't take vacations from working out. I like their workout because it's fun, but very intense for such a short time, that's why it's called HIIT. You will see results, but don't forget to get the best results you have to eat right. They now have the ebook about the nutrients guide, their diet is not strict, not like mine, but that's what it take to be in good shape. SO I recommend it and its's the best workout at home, it's free and fun.
To be honest I find working out in the gym sometimes boring, I am not a gym person. I like workouts like crossfit, Hiit or sports. Workouts that is fun doing it everyday, without realizing that you're body is changing at the same time. I don't really like working out and be too focus on my body, like "ok did arms today, let see how it look like". Gym is more about focusing on every muscles. I Love full body workout, but I like to focus extra on the butt, legs and arms, thats what fullbody workout really can't do, because it require weights more than your body weight. So it's good to mix a little bit. I recommend mix hitt and lifting. If you see people doing HIIT or Tabata they have different body than those who workout in the gym. Because the workout is fullbody doesn't focus specifically on few muscles. By focusing with weights you get rounder harder glutes and bigger legs for example.