The most interesting files
I want to share a very interesting page in the internet, that I also follow in facebook. It is called "THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL FILES", its like everything you want to know you can find it there. The truth about religion, is there life after death? Who is Lucifer the devil, the pyramid etc and many theories and facts about everything that you have been looking for.. News about the world, about people, phenomenas.
Really interesting, go and check it out: THECONTROVERSIALFILES
One file that I read yersterday and so horrible:
Saudi Arabia is one of the very few country who have the most horrible punishment to people who commit crimes, such as stealing, rape etc and even for reading a bible you get punished by getting your hands cut off. Not only that first they chop your fingers 40 times and then cut it off. Really true torture punishment.
My parents used to live in Saudi Arabia and my mom said that you can put your fancy expensive bag or phone on the car and nobody will even dare to look at it. But how can people allow this torture to someone who commits crime without even bringing them to court or to justice. Just chopped of or cut the head. Horrible,THAT IS NOT Gods work, God forgive them for using his name.