Going brunette
After 4 years I finally decided to go brunette and it actually look much better than I expected. So I am very satisfied with the results. I was tired of the "Beyoncé" look , I needed this contrast from my skin and hair and my "signature" golden brown hair color just became boring. Well see how long this brunette hair of mine last, but I don't think I go black, it makes my skin pale in the winter. The hair color supposed to come out lighter, but it came out darker and it also looks like I have highlights done just like the color of the box ( below). I really like the results and the highlights though, one color is boring, the highlights adds the warmth on my hair. I didn't like the brown with red tones and copper which I didn't want to achieve, now its more kinda chocolate brown mix with dark brown.
The product that I always use is from a famous Spanish hairdresser called LLONGUERAS, also the same brand when I colored my hair golden brown. The two package didn't gave me the full coverage, that's why I have highlights which doesn't look bad at all.
So what do you think? Blonde or Brunette?