First veterinary visit

Tey got his first vaccin and in 3 weeks in November he will get his second one. Everything went well and he behaved good.

Tey is pretty big to be a 2 months and 3 weeks puppy (this thursday). He is bigger than when Blackie was a puppy. He weight almost 10kg and the veterinary estimate that he will be around 30 kg dog as an adult. He is in other word large breed dog. Blackie my senior is as big as a bordercollie (medium breed) and he weight around 23,5kg. Well according to the vet Tey will be as big as a german shepherd. I love big dogs:) can never imagine myself getting a tiny dog.

His babian look, pretty hard to take a pic of him he move so much.
It is a f-ck up world that we are living in

In Madrid they set up a role for homeless people, that whoever sleep outside will get a fine of about over 700 euro. Now I wonder " who the fck can set up a role like that?". How can you charge homeless people for sleeping outside with 750eu if they are HOMELESS??! Where do they think homeless people should sleep?? Nobody choose poverty and it is NOT a crime to sleep outside when you do not have a home. Now that is a FCK up world we are living in.
Farts in the air

and this senior dog walkes constantly nonstop back and forth. Sometimes It is very hard to study!
Two things prevent us from happiness; living in the past and observing others

Was long time since I uploaded a "today" pics of me, so here you go. Now time for work from 17:00-21:00 (4hrs) I love my job.
Run the day

Hello Folks!
I am very busy and for that I won't be able to update here and add new post. I promise when the storms is over I will update more.

Make your own personal calendar

Making my new personal calendar in a swedish website ( there is also available in english ) PERSONLIGALMANACKA
I love it! Because you can design your own calendar (instead of filofax). The last time I ordered from this webshop was like 2 years ago, but from now on I will make my own personal calendar for every year. I am going to collect them, so that I have something to look back on one day.
Along with the personal calendar I also ordered a leather case for it. I will show you more when it arrived in 2 weeks!
Back on track

The best carbs you can ever eat if you WANT to lose weight and get the flat stomach to reveal your abs is SWEET POTATO and BROWN RICE. People always ask "what is your workout?", but they forget to instead ask " what is your diet?". Diet people diet is the key, you want to get flat abs or lose weight eat the amount needed protein per weight and eat carbs just once a day, the rest of the meal of the day should be a lot of protein and a little bit of steam vegges. No magic tricks no short cut to weightloss. Since I had a coached INGRID ROMERO until then I realized that my what I called "clean eating" was NOT clean enough.I was eating the food that I thought was healthy and clean, but she said DONT FRIED YOUR FOOD WHETHER WITH OR WITHOUT OIL and there was so many food that I usually eat even though they are "healthy" that I wasn't allowed to eat. But it changed everything! The diets she gave me and which also I learn is NO ADDED sugar or condiments. Pure clean and combined with weight training and cardio almost everyday of 30 mins BAAAAM you will see flatter stomach. I will now go baack to my fatloss workout and meal plan she gave me. I saw progress everyday she is the best coached ever she and her husband too.

Miss my abs two months ago I haven't workout and follow my diet. So many studies and other priorities, luckily I am not far from this, so within a month or few weeks I will be back on track.
The convenient way working at home

Since I am that person that put coffee in a cup and it can be there for hours and then I end up drinking it cold. So I put it in here, but then I burned my lips, too bad that it keep the heat of the coffee. I can't even drink it. Had to add a little bit of cold water.
The expert in everything was once a beginner

I don't know what's wrong with me waking up between 11-12. I put my alarm far away from me so when it's ring I have to get up and close it, but today it did'nt ring either :(. Tired of waking up late this has to change!


Little Tey so annoying like to bite around your legs and hands
Brunch a lá sueco

Nescafé is the darkest coffee that I will ever drink. I don't add sugar, because is not good, but I add a healthier version which is the Stevia. I do drink dark coffee with milk like in Starbucks, but personally at home its Nescafé. I don't like the taste of dark coffee like mostly people drink in Sweden. It taste horrible!
The first time i drank Nescafé was when I was like 6 years old and I added a lot of sugar, it tasted so good and I could drink it instead of softdrinks everyday. But my father ( my biological ) did not allowed me. He just let me drink sometimes, but sometimes I sneak out when he was gone. But now I am not a coffee drinker at all, I just drink to keep me awake or to give me "energy" when I have so much study.

My nightmare

Last night his sleeping position, scary huh? Could be my nightmare lol and oh yes he is sleeping with his eyes open.
Tired like a Zombie

Goodmorning should I say it is already 12 noon. I only slept for 5-6 hours, I was to stay awake until now to finish my essays. But I could'nt the brain has to take a rest, it is not made to function 24 hours. Now I don't know where to start, because the flat is so messed up, it has to be clean at least everyday. But I don't have time, not even 30 mins and I am too tired to move around. I barely eat and drink water, only coffee and food once or twice a day, when I "feel" hungry. It is tough to study from home it is all about timing and timing I am not very good at, when I am at the deadline everything around me is so messed up.
Anyway the sun is shining and the summer heat is still here which makes me happy :)

Looks like Tey have the paws from his mom (german shepherd)
Highbrand dog food

Finally the dog foods arrived today, which we have to actually go to the place for to pick it up. Since I always order the dog food online, normally I get it delivered at home. But this time they could not deliver it for some reason, so we had to go to one of the pick-up center.
I have my dog foods ordered in a spanish website called: MISCOTA they have various of brand such as one of the best ones ACANA, ORIJEN, PROPLAN. Decided to give my puppy the best dry food in the market, so for my senior one.

13 kg in this package (included the dog snacks)

I forgot to buy the dog training clicker, once again and Tey's toothbrush
My dog food cost of the month are 38,95eu/per dog of 6,8kg
Blackie my senior dog feeding per day is around 250g once a day
Tey my puppy is 75g 2-3 x a day which is totally 150g per day
By feeding them the right amount this two bag each should be enough for 1 whole month.
Its good budget, because they are the best brands, it is very important to give your dog a good quality food.
What do you feed your dog? I suggest you should try ORIJEN or ACANA. I was going to give them raw food but its so complicated for me no.1 buying the food and giving them right. I could order ready made but 100% natural so I wont have to buy myself, but theres no were to get them. Not even online.
Puppy getting bigger

2 months and 2 weeks, playful and full of energy
Gotta good sleep lastnight

Lastnight we were up pretty late and end up sleeping on the sofa, with this puppy as my company. Then it started to be a little bit uncomfortable sleeping there, specially when its not a sofa for to sleep. So continued to sleep on the bed with my jeans and shoes on. I was just so tired. Today I am hopefully be able to finish my essay in CIVICS and I am pretty behind so gotta finish it all today!!!!! Wish me luck on my next last week.

Love someone is what you want to remember on the bad days

First pic: few months together
Second pic: after 8 months
Third pic: taken from 2011 1 year and few months together
Fourth pic: last year 2012
Last pic: few weeks ago 3,5 years together
I change pretty much and Ruben he looks older than 3,5 years ago.
Throwback pic

Taken 3 years ago
Checked my old blog and all I can say " THANKS GOD THAT WE GROW UP", funny to read the old post few years ago and my style OMG terrible and the make up, the looks even worse. It's more like embarrasing looking back the pictures. I wonder what would my future self think of me now and the way I see life. That we will one day find out. Atleast we changed, there are people that looks exactly the same all their life only older, same everything the hairstyle, the look and they think exactly like they did few years ago. I am Looking forward to the future.
Sometimes I dont give a shit!

I have been living my unhealthy life for two months now and miracously or how that ever spells, I am still pretty much in shape, I can still see my my abs which is good, my arm muscles and legs muscle are still there, not so tone but its still there, I can see it. Just because of the diet and workplan mostly the diet that my coach gave me. I can tell you that I have been eating alooot of crap and when I eat I eat. So now I dont have to worry to go back to level zero because I am not there despite of all the crap food, seems like my metabolism is faster than what it used to be.
Anyway I will go back to my workout again and follow the workout and meal plan that I had from my coach, its going to be great to be back in shape. Summer bodies are made in the winter. I know its hard specially if you have love ones and friends who don't work out you fall easily in the hole and go back to your old life, but be strong don't let temptation ruin what you are trying to achieved. This time I will do it much better and I will get the results that I want. Lets do it!
But never forget to enjoy life, I do believe in cheatmeal once in a while or few drinks with friends, but I think that is Ok when you achieve your goals, because while doing it when you are trying achieving something you will never reach there. It's like climbing on the top of the mountain, but someone keep dragging you down and no matter how hard you try you never reach it, because you allow yourself falling. What you allow will continue.
Remember You cannot live a "double life" -live healthy today and the next day live unhealthy. DIET IS THE KEY, WHILE WORKING OUT IS RESHAPING YOUR BODY, BUT DIET IS NUMBER 1. YOU DONT KNOW DIET? THEN FORGET THAT YOU WILL GET RESULT.
By the way my macbook is dying well atleast the charger died yersterday, which was my second one. So now I am using Ruben's computer ( kinda sucks cause its smaller than mind and its windows). I have to format my macbook too and leave it to someone who can fix the battery, which is not good either. Too much for an expensive computer that I only had for 2 years.