Her moves blow your mind - CEO dancers

A video that I would like to share to all you my readers. Someone posted it in facebook and I just have to share it here. This woman from CEO dancer ( they were actually in The program called Britain got talent ) and she dance amazing.
Now check her video dancing in the middle of the street.Love her spirit, she knows she dance so good and she did it well showing to the world what she got. The dancers name is Ezinne Asinugo, people with african ethinicty are probalby the worlds best dancers and they have it in their blood. Just the way it is :)
On mobile - Quality time

On mobile - The choice we make the life we live

On mobile - busy day

On mobile - almost asleep

My favorites in Etsy shop

Hi Guys,
I want to recommend this app that I just downloaded last night. Its a shop app called ETSY. And there you can find a lot of unique things that are handcrafted from people in different countries. Just this crazy things that you could wish that someone invent and make it, or just find a unique make up organizer, a quotes in a huge frame for instance.
As I just told you before I just moved to my own flat for a month now and I am looking around for inspirations on how I want it. I don't want my home full of just Ikea things. Here I found alot of cool and smart things that I could think of buying one day. Things that you can't just find any where.
You can find my favorites in this link below for more info:
Here below are just a printscreen of some of my favorites.

The most loyal companions
A spontaneous night

Last weekend I went out spontaneously, I supposed to just chill and drink some beer then fall asleep. But it didn't happened, Sofian and his friend from Sweden Silvia was planning to go out that Saturday night. I joined them spontaneously. We went to a club near by called " Arena ". It was a nice club that it took us maybe 20 minutes to walk. Great music! We did't stayed long, but spend the last hours at Sofians home and ate some food. He always eat food before he go to sleep even how drunk he is and he even brush his teeth and all that.
I left his home when the sun started to come up at 8 ( by the way we are now neighbor just two streets from each other ) and just fall down on the bed with my party clothes on. Got no energy for brushing my teeth or changing my clothes.
I got a hangover day after specially when I mixed beer and vodka, ooh so bad. Luckily I ate and drank a lot of water, so it was less headache.

Crop top from Berskha / Skirt from Berskha / watch by Marc Ecko

I fixed my self pretty well even though I was so tipsy hahah
Back from the grave and I say welcome to my crib

Im back!
You could say that " alot " happened since the last time I posted something. One good news that happened is that I finally got my own flat that I was looking forward for. It was a lot of job looking for the flat that I wanted, calling and went to the open house from one to another, meet the agency etc. It´s funny because, the flat that I thought that I wanted at the first place wasn´t for me at all and got something that was more way better than I expected and IN the middle of the city too. And guess what? It´s IN MY FAVORITE STREET to live. As I always say, never complain if you don´t get the things that you want, because there is always A reason for everything and sooner or later you will be more greatful.
I don´t even remember my to do list this year, but I´ll check off the "getting my own flat " in my A list. And that feels really good and it´s also because I´ve been living here and there this last seven years in Barcelona, wanted my own space and place was something I really needed to do the things that I always wanted. I am really happy, I almost lived in my new place for a month now and I am lovin` it. I do not have any furniture yet, since I wanted to have my own furniture and want to design it myself so it feels cozy and homie the way I want it. For the moment I just have one big bed, so next in my list is a Sofa I guess...and not just any kind of sofa. Since I now have my own flat, I will also change my categories a bit and add "My flat in my own interior design" ...something to it.

Location: located in Barcelona city, yet not right in the middle. Its the perfect place where you see more of locals than tourist. You can just walk 10-15 minutes to go to the big shopping area. Just beside a park and small restaurants. Close to everything the banks, the pharmacy, fruit shops, grocery stores etc. Good place for the dogs.
Area: its 40 square meter, big enough very open, much bigger than in the picture. Newly renovated from the bottom to the top. It´s in the second floor and it`s swedish home stardard :) You do can drink tap water which is very unlikely in this city.
Price: The rent is 500 euro / month without bills. In Sweden it sounds very expensive, but again I live in the center and it is very hard to get a flat in the city newly renovated for this price. So I think is fare price.
The bills in Spain is not much at all, let say the water and electricity comes every 2nd or third month, but counting on every month would cost around around 30 euro max 40 euro.
The cons: The building itself is so old and ugly when you get in. No elevator, its so old fashion, but do not judge a book by its cover, cos my flat is the only renovated flat in the building :) The stairs are terrible and thats the mostly buildings in Barcelona. I can´t show you a pic of how ugly it is lol.
The pros: I love I love how they redesign this flat. The kitchen is elevated from the floor ( which I show more of some other time) is so cute and pretty and the toilet, the floor and bedroom all are so well made. I´m so happy with my wooden floor, that keep me warm with my socks in the winter. And ofcourse tap water take the price. If not I have to buy everyday like many others just to have a drinking water. My balcony is good enough, could be bigger but hey we can´t have everything in life.
So now you get a little glimpsed of my new place :)
The latest "new in", in my wardrobe

A girl can never have too much shoes. I wanted this shoes for quiet while now. At first I saw this when we were christmas shopping and then last month it was on sale and tried it at that time. I fell inlove and so was my friend Gabbi when she was here in Barcelona. Yersterday after work since when finished earlier at 19.40 I just had to go in the Mango shop, totally love that shop so many new things ( but mostly for spring clothes), this was the last one size 39 so lucky and now is mine :) The one thing I love with this shoes is that is both elegant, sexy and a bit "sporty" look at the same time.

Friday's shopping, had to return the grey jeans and change it with another one. Don't like how it sit though. All purchased in Mango.

I don't buy often make up, but I purchased the eyeliner that is like a pen liquid liner called " Master piece" by Maybelline, a brown eyeliner also from Maybelline and ofcourse my must have blotting papper from Shiseido. It is a MUST for girls with only skin. Instead of bringing your powder with you to get rid of the shiny look on your face, use blotting papper, its great and absorb the oil on the face, specially on the T-zone and nose.

I forgot to show my beautiful winter jacket. it was a christmas gift from Rubens mom, she actually gave me a leather jacket with fur inside, so nice, but affortunately she bought too small size and when I was going to changed it there was no other size bigger. Instead I changed it for this jacket. The original price of this was € 128 / 1 123 sek / $ 166, but bought it for € 78 / $ 106 / 686 sek. It's hard to find a beautiful winter jacket that at the same time is warm, this one is warm and I love the design, it was from Mango by the way.

From Pull & Bear

From Mango again :)

My favorite from Zara

Bag from Mango one of the christmas gift from my love <3 :)
I strive to be like the greatest people who have ever lived

I am busy busy and busy a lot of study and after the new year it took a while to go back to my old routine. In two weeks I have my last course/subject and then I am finally finish with my study. I won't continue to university like I have planned from the beginning (going the other direction) but for sure in the future I will continue to study. I have other plans to do. I also got a fulltime job that I applied starting next week for a danish company. Hopefully I pass the one month trial and after that I will be moving to the city. This must be my busiest year and I'll give everything and sacrifice everything to fullfil it. Let this be the best year yet to come!

Follow me in instagram @vennezaishername :)
Tea and a blankett

My new boots

Feel inlove with this boots in Aldo, very shiny but love it!
Going brunette

After 4 years I finally decided to go brunette and it actually look much better than I expected. So I am very satisfied with the results. I was tired of the "Beyoncé" look , I needed this contrast from my skin and hair and my "signature" golden brown hair color just became boring. Well see how long this brunette hair of mine last, but I don't think I go black, it makes my skin pale in the winter. The hair color supposed to come out lighter, but it came out darker and it also looks like I have highlights done just like the color of the box ( below). I really like the results and the highlights though, one color is boring, the highlights adds the warmth on my hair. I didn't like the brown with red tones and copper which I didn't want to achieve, now its more kinda chocolate brown mix with dark brown.
The product that I always use is from a famous Spanish hairdresser called LLONGUERAS, also the same brand when I colored my hair golden brown. The two package didn't gave me the full coverage, that's why I have highlights which doesn't look bad at all.

So what do you think? Blonde or Brunette?